Head To Head

1930s    Staten Island Stapletons    vs    Portsmouth Spartans

1930s    1940s    1950s    1960s    1970s    1980s    1990s    2000s    2010s    2020s    

Sunday, November 9, 1930 - 2:30PM
at Thompsons Stadium, New York, NY
2nd - S - Sammy Stein 10 pass from Ken Strong (XP failed)
3rd - S - Doug Wycoff 2 run (Ken Strong kick)
3rd - P - Chuck Bennett 20 run (Tiny Lewis kick)
4th - P - Roy Lumpkin 1 run (XP failed)
Sunday, October 25, 1931 - 2:30PM
at Thompsons Stadium, New York, NY
Wednesday, November 11, 1931 - 8:00PM
at Universal Stadium, Portsmouth, OH

Sunday, October 16, 1932 - 2:30PM
at Thompsons Stadium, New York, NY
Thursday, October 20, 1932 - 8:30PM
at Thompsons Stadium, New York, NY
Game was booked after Portsmouth challenged Staten Island to a rematch following their tie the previous Sunday.