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Sunday, September 9, 1934 - 3:00PM
at Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, PA
Sunday, September 23, 1934 - 2:30PM
at University of Dayton Stadium, Dayton, OH
Sunday, September 30, 1934 - 2:30PM
at Crosley Field, Cincinnati, OH

Sunday, October 7, 1934 - 8:30PM
at Corcoran Field, Cincinnati, OH
Sunday, October 14, 1934 - 3:00PM
at City Stadium, Green Bay, WI
Sunday, October 21, 1934 - 3:15PM
at Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL

Sunday, October 28, 1934 - 2:30PM
at Universal Stadium, Portsmouth, OH
Game moved to Portsmouth, OH, Universal Stadium at the request of former Portsmouth Spartans now playing for Detroit.
Tuesday, November 6, 1934 - 2:45PM
at Temple University Stadium, Philadelphia, PA
Game moved from Sunday, November 4, to Tuesday, November 6 due to inclement weather.
Game moved from Baker Bowl to Temple University Stadium due to previously scheduled West Philadelphia vs Central Public High School League game at Baker Bowl.